
How Photographers Name Images Before Upload For Seo

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – The process of optimizing a website to generate the maximum number of 'organic' (non-paid) visits from search engines.

The Correct Style To Proper name Your Photos For Image SEO

The question on a lot of photographers' lips these days is: How do I get seen in a sea of similar websites?

Correctly naming your epitome files for optimal SEO, is a neat mode to get-go. Google tin can't analyze the bodily content of an image to tell what it is depicting, and whilst this technology is nearly certainly on the way, it'south nowhere nigh fix merely yet. Instead, they rely on several indicators on a web page to tell them what the photograph is all virtually. Ane of these is, equally you might expect, the filename of the photograph. You should never upload photos to your website with the standard photographic camera-practical filename, similar DSC_9764.jpg! This tells Google goose egg at all and its content.

When Google knows more than most the content of your image, information technology tin include information technology in Image Search (click the prototype tab at the top of a Google search page), and sometimes the top images even testify correct at the head of a regular search page. Not but does it help people find your photos directly, merely information technology likewise helps Google understand the content of the page that you posted the photo on, helping that page show upwardly higher in regular search results for the subject.

Dash or Underscore?

Instead of the default filename, you should be describing the contents of the epitome in 3-viii words. Importantly, you should exist separating the words in your filename with a dash (hyphen), and not an underscore!



The inner workings of Google's search engine algorithm are a closely guarded secret, but every now and again we get a little snippet of particular from one of their representatives on the Google Webmasters blog. For some reason there's a lot of misinformation circulating around the web on this topic, but Google'southward Matt Cutts, has conspicuously stated that dashes (hyphens) are the way to go on this ane. Whilst Matt Cutts does say that the SEO difference between the two is relatively modest, that means thereis a difference.

Direct From The Equus caballus's Mouth – NuanceNonUnderscore!


– WRONG -> DSC_9807.jpg

This tells Google nothing at all.

– WRONG -> blackcat.jpg

Blackcat is not a word.

– Incorrect -> black-cat.jpg

Whilst this technically does depict the image (assuming it is really a black cat), have a call up about how many photos of a black cat you'd be putting yourself up against on the internet? Millions, I would imagine.

– WRONG -> a-black-cat-under-a-red-car.jpg

There's no need to include cease words in your filename (a, the, it, to, etc.). Proceed it short and simple.

– WRONG -> black_cat_under_red_car.jpg

Nope, the underscore isn't a recognized word separator. To Google, this just reads as blackcatunderredcar.jpg! No proficient.

– CORRECT -> black-true cat-nether-red-car.jpg

Now we're getting somewhere! Descriptive, and with the correct separators and no cease words.

Use It To Your Advantage

Since the filename helps Google understand the content of the page that the photo is on, y'all can employ this to heave your search rankings for specific topics.


You are a wedding photographer from San Francisco and on the About page of your website, there is a headshot of you next to your biography.

Incorrect -> joe-blogs-portrait.jpg

CORRECT -> joe-bloggs-san-francisco-wedding ceremony-lensman.jpg.

Should Y'all Rename Existing Images?

If yous're using a photo portfolio service like Photoshelter, SmugMug (get a 20% disbelieve here), or Zenfolio, with hundreds or thousands of images, in that location's lilliputian point renaming all of those files to make the names descriptive. There are obviously some organizational benefits to a photographer'due south standard archive file naming scheme when photos are hosted in large volumes. Hopefully with these kinds of online portfolio archive services, you're making use of all the other SEO options to optimize them.

The platonic setup is to use a blogging platform like WordPress, to create a new web log post every time you upload a new collection of images to your archive or online print store. In that blog post, you include a few of the images from the drove, and those are the images that you lot optimize with a proper name for SEO purposes. With properly optimized page content, and images, you'll rank higher in more search results and bring people to the blog post. That's when you tin can let them know that a full collection can be viewed on your archive site, or prints purchased from your impress store.

Only what if you lot've got existing blog images that weren't correctly named? WordPress doesn't natively offer a manner to rename images, but you can use the plug Media File Renamer. What you lot have to retrieve, though, is that the filename is office of the direct URL to that image. If you do decide to change the filename, you'll be altering the URL and it will reset any SEO juice that this prototype might accept already gathered over fourth dimension.

If y'all already have images that show upwards oftentimes in Google Epitome searches, you definitely don't want to become renaming these ones. Choose wisely when tackling this question… my thought is that if you accept a relatively new blog of only a few months sometime, you tin can rename the files with this plugin and probably get more than long term do good from information technology than short term disadvantage. For older blogs, it's probably not worthwhile.

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